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Gifted & Talented Education

Coyote Trail students at kidstruction

Vision Statement
Developing, inspiring and nurturing 21st Century gifted & talented learners.

Mission Statement
The MUSD gifted and talented program, in collaboration with district professionals, parents and community leaders, will maximize and nurture the interdisciplinary potential of all gifted and talented students in the areas of intellectual development, creative endeavors, social emotional needs, leadership ability and fine arts through differentiated instructional opportunities. 

The Marana Unified School District services approximately 1,700 K-12 gifted and talented students.Gifted and talented students require the following:

  • gifted instruction to comply with Arizona College and Career Ready Standards and support classroom content acquisition.
  • opportunities for acceleration and enrichment for every K-12 gifted learner.
  • a Scope and Sequence documenting a continuum of instructional services for every K-12 gifted learner.
  • K-12 teachers to differentiate for gifted learners by making modifications to products, processes, content and the classroom environment.
  • equal opportunity for a range of diverse gifted learners.
  • all parents in the district to have equal access to information on gifted learners, assessment dates and clarity of results.
  • leadership to train faculty and implement policies and procedures outlined in the Scope and Sequence.

Understanding Gifted Education

Below you will find the preliminary gifted identification test schedule. This schedule is subject to change.  Review school communications, or contact your school for detailed information.

Read More about Testing Dates

Gifted & Talented Education News

More Info

Please contact:

Coordinator of Gifted & Talented Education

(520) 352-2421 ext. 2746