Health and Wellness
An Overview of Health Services
Mission: The Marana Unified School District Health Services, in collaboration with parents, medical community, and staff will promote wellness and safety for all students.
- Health Services offices are established at each school site to keep all students in school by removing health barriers thereby freeing the path to academic and personal excellence.
- Health offices at each site promote the health of students through health education, disease prevention and monitoring, referrals for health care intervention, and facilitation of staff training.
Health services staffing: Registered nurses and health assistants work as a team in providing health care to all students.
Health Assistants provide:
Emergency care for students who become sick or injured while attending school.
- Provide information for students returning to school following an accident, illness, or hospitalization.
- Serve as liaisons for staff, parents, and nurse.
- Administer medications, provide daily first-aid care, maintain immunization records, and provide health care resources.
Nurses and Facilitators provide:
A direct link between physicians, families, and community health care for all students
- Consultation, instruction, counseling, and guidance to students, health assistants, staff, and parents.
- Individual and Emergency Health Plans.
- Health instruction and training for staff.
- Health intervention, management and/or medical referrals.
- Assessments and written health care instructions for students with IEP or 504 plans.
- Health Assistant guidance for monitoring immunization compliance.
- Information related to the most current Arizona/Federal laws, professional standards, and district policies & procedures pertaining to student health.
- Medical guidance for health assistants.
Daily Medical Care
- Asthma
- Cardiac
- Diabetes
- Allergies with anaphylaxis
- Seizures
- Fractures
- Other conditions
Vision and Hearing Screening
- Specified grades
- New to district
- Special education
- Per parent or staff concern
- Vision assistance for uninsured student
- Students returning to school after treatment of an injury or hospitalization
- Safety evaluation
- Assessment for crutches, wheelchair, cast, braces, and other medical equipment
- Liaison with medical providers
Medication Management
- Daily administration and monitoring for proper dosage, administration time and potential reactions
- Immunization
Compliance monitoring
- Resource information and referral
Health & Wellness Guidelines
Health & Wellness News
MUSD Governing Board congratulates Danielle Chandler, RN for receiving her National Certified School Nurse credential through the National Board for Certification of School Nurses!
The Expanded Food and Nutritional Education Program (EFNEP) helps participants learn skills and strategies to feed their family nutritious meals on a limited budget and improve their overall health.
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